

A particularly heavy viral infection, a bit like a cold, cough, sinusitis and lethargy all mixed in, gave me a Sunday morning at home to browse some email advertisements. One from Naxos records led me to listen to some choral pieces by Norwegian composer Kim André Arnesen. Most were on YouTube, e.g. The Lamb – Arnesen’s setting of William Blake’s poem. Wow is an overused reaction, but I was so impressed with the musicality, the beauty, the calmness, the hope, the tender joy in God’s creation, the unifying consequence of being loved by our creator who, in Jesus Christ, became flesh, a little child, the Lamb of God, to take away the sin of the world, and renew right relationship in many directions.

What a gift! Thank you, Blake, Arnesen, Kantorei, Denver… Wow!

31 December, 2017